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PM Research Horizontal Boiler KIT
PM Research Horizontal Boiler KIT
In stock
Item no. BLR-2
1 in stock
Un-machined Kit.NOTE: Machining & Assembly required.11" long, 4½" wide, 8½" to the top of the steam dome, 9" smokestack, 16½" overall height.This boiler is offered in 1/12th scale to go with the PM Research machine shop tools. The boiler is constructed of copper and the firebox is steel with fourteen aluminium castings consisting of the following: Front, back, door frame, six doors, four draught knobs and a stack transition. All hardware, bar stock, silver solder, working drawings, etc are included. A finished safety valve and water gauge are also included. Tube sheets are flanged and punched.The door openings are 1½" high x 2⅝" wide. The water space is 3" diameter. x 8" long. The fire box is 3" wide, 7" long x 1¾" high. It also has a cleanout door that opens to access the flues. It has five ⅝” diameter. flues, 127 square inches of heating surface and 44 cubic inches in volume.This mighty replica of the Puget Sound Machinery Depot's top line boiler is a classic beauty. We offer this fine boiler kit for those of you who will want to make your engines do some work. It is considerably larger in working capacity than our No 1 boiler and will handle all PM Research’s model engines except for our full-size No 4 and No 6 engines. It is the perfect match to run your machine shop.The BLR-2 kit includes fourteen easy machining aluminium castings, all copper tubing and tube sheets, all hardware and bar stock required, and a complete set of working drawings. The kit also includes one SODERFLUX Silver Solder and Flux kit, one WG-1 Water Gauge, and one SV-1 Safety Valve.
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