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6 C1 PM Research Stationary Steam Mill Engine No 6. Unmachined Kit
6 C1 PM Research Stationary Steam Mill Engine No 6. Unmachined Kit
In stock
Item no. 6CI
1 in stock
Un-machined KitNote: Machining & Assembly required.Bore 1½", Stroke 2½" - Double ActingThis is the sister to our horizontal No 4 engine. Both engines were sold as casting kits by the Chas. A. Strelinger Co.of Detroit, MI. Both were rated at ¼ H.P. You could build either one or both!The total height is 7½", the total length is 18 inches, the total width is 8 inches and the flywheel diameter is 6 7/8 inches.Kit complete with cast iron and bronze castings, all required hardware, gasket material, bar stock and complete working drawings.
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